legal dictionary south australia

Also called 'CREDIT'. It can be from a supervisor, manager or colleague. The right of any person to have access to documents held by government agencies, except those exempted by legislation. ​Counselling provided to a married couple (and their children) to deal with personal issues about their marriage. A free service that independently resolves financial services (including insurance) disputes between consumers and member financial services providers. An extra payment on top of annual leave pay. A chronology is a list of events and the date they took place. To solemnly promise to tell the truth in court or in an affidavit. (Legal action) that is unnecessary or undertaken only to cause trouble or inconvenience for the other party. Fair Work Australia (FWA) was the name of the national employment tribunal. Most types of Alternative Dispute Resolution use a third person, who is not involved in the case, to help the parties come to an agreement. An apprehended domestic violence order made by a court in New Zealand or an apprehended personal violence order made by a court in another state or territory of Australia, or made by a court in New Zealand. An alternative sentencing process for adult aboriginal offenders, where a magistrate and members of the Aboriginal community sit in a circle and discuss the offence, the offender, and a suitable penalty. A lawyer who comes to court in the place of a person's own lawyer. Buying goods by instalment payments. See If successful such a submission results in dismissal of the case. Incorporated associations are usually not-for-profit groups such as sporting and community organisations. These orders deal with issues such as restricting contact with the protected person(s). If this is granted, the party will be allowed to cross-examine the witness and put it to them that they are not being honest. A ground for defence included in a particular law which would prevent a person from being found guilty of an offence under the law. It includes: ​A licence which allows the licensee to possess or use a registered firearm from the specific category to which their licence applies. Please enable scripts and reload this page. A document provided by an insurer as evidence of temporary insurance cover before a formal policy is issued. The court has rules about what kind of evidence it will accept in a court case. Bail enables an accused person to be released from custody in between the date of being charged and the eventual hearing of the court case. A judicial officer presiding over a Magistrates court. For example, the defendant telephones the protected person when the Final AVO says they cannot contact the protected person. When a person who has an AVO against them (the defendant), does something that they are not allowed to do under that AVO. name, title and signature of the person who witness the Affidavit. Form of ownership of land, where two or more people occupy the whole of the land 'in common'. Section 342 of the Children and Young People Act 2008(ACT) deems that ab… On the death of one owner his or her interest does not pass to the surviving owner. A copy of an original document that has been confirmed as a true and correct copy by an authorised person, such as a solicitor or justice of the peace. Civil marriage ceremonies can be conducted at this office.Adapted from Legal Aid Queensland's Dictionary. The part of English law traditionally based on common custom and being unwritten. Form of dispute resolution where an impartial third party helps communication and negotiations between the parties, but does not decide the dispute. A claim for a specific amount of money raised by the defendant as a defence to a monetary claim of the plaintiff. ​A legal interest or claim made by one person against the property of another person, which limits the ways that person can deal with their property. are or have been in a de facto relationship, are or have been in an intimate personal relationship, are or have been living in the same household, are or have been living in the same residential facility (with some exceptions) or a detention centre, have or had a relationship where one person provides unpaid care for the other person, have or had a relationship where one person receives paid care (the dependant person) and is in need of protection against their paid carer. The law based on decisions made by judges in previous case. An interest in or power over goods to secure payment of a debt or obligation. A parenting order setting out arrangements for the financial support of a child after marriage breakdown. Declarations and Directions made under South Australia's Public Health Act 2011 and Emergency Management Act 2004 in relation to the 2020-2021 COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic can be accessed here.. Authorised Electronic Versions. A litigant is one of the opposing parties in a civil proceeding. In a civil case, the reasons why the defendant disputes the claim against them. An order by the Local Court or Local Land Board about: Any work that takes place as part of designing, building, fixing or replacing a dividing fence. Decision by a body to take action, e.g. Review by a court of an administrative act on the basis of fault in the decision-making process. This can include the cost of preparing a case and the cost of presenting a case. Legal dictionaries, abbreviation and citation guides . This dictionary is a key reference for those who need familiarity with—and knowledge of—Australian legal terms. For example, brake failure or tyre blow out. The vehicle will not start unless the driver passes a breath test. An amount of money given to a person ordered in a subpoena to attend court or bring something to court. After a witness for one party has given their evidence (called 'evidence in chief'), the other party in the case, or their lawyer, can ask the witness questions about their evidence. A government scheme that may pay employees certain unpaid entitlements if their employer went bankrupt or into liquidation on or after 5 December 2012. Limited protection against an action for defamation except where the person revealing the information did so out of malice. ​Legal rights protected by the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth​​) for national system employees, including the right to: When an employer dismisses an employee for using or trying to use their rights at work, such as, the right to take leave and get paid or the right to belong to a union. A person who has studied law and has been approved to work as a lawyer by the Supreme Court of that state. ​Repeated conduct intended to intimidate a person or make a person fearful. A person who binds him or herself to be answerable for another. This is usually a percentage of the debt. Sometimes called a 'Divorce Certificate'. A person who is left something in a will, or a person for whose benefit property is held by trustees or executors. - Serbian, Ma u baahan tahay Caawimmad xagga sharciga ah?- Somali, ¿Necesita ayuda con cuestiones jurídicas? ​A specific period of time during which you can cancel an agreement, usually with no penalty. 2. Law which is not equity, statute, or ecclesiastical (church). Sometimes, however, this burden shifts, for example, where the defendant or respondent raises particular defences. Any company or body that holds an Australian Financial Services licence is required to provide a department or officer who will try and resolve customer problems within the company or body. Compulsory Third Party (CTP) car insurance. Search Contracts. Common easements include easements for drainage and easements that provide a right of way. The ability to understand and give legal consent to an action or arrangement. A written statement prepared by a person. The standard of proof required in criminal cases. ​A person admitting that they have done something wrong or illegal. ​Any actual or threatened violence towards a person or their property from a family member that coerces or controls the victim or causes them to be fearful. A dispute between individuals, companies, associations or government agencies. In common law, movement from source to end user in the course of trade. A bond the object of which is to secure the performance of an act by the person bound by it, e.g. The place where the judge, magistrate, registrar or assessor sits. The right to belong, or not belong, to an industrial association (trade union). ​An independent report written by a family consultant that may be used by a Judge to understand the issues in a case, and make decisions about the care arrangements for a child. An eligible adult acting on behalf of a person under a legal incapacity in a proceeding. Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. An act which causes harm, intentionally or otherwise, for which the remedy is an action for unliquidated damages. Browse A-Z. A person with authority to monitor and report on the performance of mental health services and the welfare of their patients. The doctrine by which courts are obliged to follow past decisions. A person to whom property or goods are leased. A document issued by a court directing an officer to take certain action. So: time in lieu - agreement to allow time off instead of payment for overtime worked. A contract may be implied from the behaviour of the parties. A document or thing shown to a witness when giving evidence, produced for inspection to the court or referred to in an affidavit. A creditor who holds a mortgage, charge or lien on the property of the debtor. Also called a DVLO. A person who begins legal proceedings against another. The formal contesting of the applicant's originating application by the respondent in a civil dispute. A document prepared by the Lands Titles Office which shows details of land registered under the Torrens system, particulars of the location, encumbrances and owners. A non-custodial sentence (q.v.) An amount of money that a magistrate may order you to pay in a criminal case for having your case heard. the payment of money owing). These are called 'intestacy rules'. It does not cover damage to property, other vehicles or to your vehicle. ​Contributions by a person in a relationship to the acquisition, conservation or improvement of any property of the parties. ​A confession or a statement acknowledging the truth of something. ​Financial support paid by a person to their former de facto partner because their former partner can't meet their reasonable living expenses.

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