ho'oponopono miracle stories

That encouraged me to have more faith in Divinity and try to let go a little more and something very curious happened to me, the next day I was in the shower like every day before going to work and I was doing my cleaning mentally, then I closed my eyes to concentrate better and because I had shampoo on my head, at the time I had taken all the shampoo off my head I opened my eyes and it was amazing what I saw, at first I thought it was because I had my eyes closed the whole time but that was not because I scrubbed them with both hands and kept looking… what I saw were drops of water but not from the shower, these drops fell from above and were large and fell over me. As far as I'm concerned, nobody complained about it. It's absolutely crazy, I know, however it works for me and I have been using the flypaper since in other workshops and in situations with people around me. Thanks, thanks, thanks. Suddenly I thought about one of the tools; it was like a smooth caress. I understand the importance of working with my inner child. Wow, it was a great surprise when I saw that you had answered my MAIL, you had cleaned on me, you have magic Mabel. What Blog?” – I was perplexed and left this message unattended. I love you, God. I apologized for having spoken so bad of it as dirty, noisy and ugly. I had no money!!! One of the most important ones is, that I was able to get pregnant after years of unsuccessful attempts. Mabel, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!! Dear Mabel, Two months later, I left the man I loved and I never lost my peace. She is improving little by little but, above all, she is calmer and me too! I moved away from the water for a moment to appreciate better and verify that they were not from the shower and precise this lasted about thirty seconds and I stayed stunned unable to explain what had happened, I finished showering and felt so natural as well as relaxed. When I told her about it, she got upset and said, “I am not going to go to a CDI, which is a government’s clinic, besides it hasn’t a good reputation.” To sum it up, I told her to search in the Town Hall website to see if they offered any health service where she could be assisted. I love you ALL. I’ve experienced miracles from small to visibly big ones. This is one of them: I'm a nurse. Curiously we both were very kind to each other and as we talked we decided that for the next training day we would take a special meal for the rest of the fellows, because the next meeting would be the last day of training. That same night the new house was already equipped!! I started to see opportunities and numerous kind people volunteered to assist me in setting up this record. Some suggested that I put him in a special boarding school. Now I am using some tools to solve a moisture problem in an apartment we bought during summer, since I managed to move after ten years of wishing to move from where I lived! When I realized the connection to the situation next door, I went hunting for information on the inner child. Have a wonderfull time, and a lot of success! All of a sudden a mother and her daughter got into the train and she sat the girl by my side and told to her: "Sit down because you are not capable to stay up". In front of my house there is a very leafy tree, and obviously with the rain its branches grow very fast. Today I had a wonderful experience about what Ho’oponopono and the cleaning can do. A month later, my suspicion was confirmed. I am really grateful for this seminar. I was born with gifts to speak with angelic and spirits realms. Peace begins with me!!! So I let go, I gave permission, and I cleaned. He drives like a formula one racer (so he thinks). I repeated it a few nights, then I went on vacation with my children for 15 days and I forgot about it. So, a year ago my peace brought me great news: I was pregnant! Last weekend I celebrated with my family my grandmother's 88th birthday. Maybe you’ve already heard about the story of a therapist in Hawaii who somehow healed an entire ward of mentally ill criminals without seeing any of them. The fact that he showed up in your life and the two of you had a ‘good thing among’ you’ is more proof of the power of this method in … To my surprise she was so kind to me that we talked for  about 4 hours. I'm sorry, I love you, thank you" . We respect your privacy. It’s so beautiful... We got off the train together. Nothing else, just Ho'oponopono, all the time. In this case it was the trigger because it didn't happen before that a kitten came to my house to eat mice and fell asleep at the front door. I was so scared, I felt soooooooooooo bad. He said "do you want us to call another freight truck and see if anyone can?" I got astonished. I want to tell you something very important that happened to me during my first week in the Ho’oponopono forum. Dear Mabel, www.HooponoponoWay.com, INTERVIEWS, MAGAZINES, JOURNALS, ARTICLES AND MORE, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuUWm672pqpQk_fhpJ5mxKQ, Dr. Ihaleakalá is Interviewed by Mabel Katz. I've asked the nodule:  I took the money for the bus and I was laughing (I knew it was the universe talking to me)… Then.. Thank you! However, this morning while we were all together at the meeting, during the training hours, I started to repeat the words: "I'm sorry" "I love you". Every time I was told NO, I told myself, just WATCH ME!!! I keep cleaning! I’m very grateful for your cleaning! From the very beginning, I was told that he will never see again, and that there is no solution, and that I should make peace with that fact. I saw significant changes that happened with me. Today at the subway, a lady came in with a straight face and her two children, who were next to her, were very serious as well. Then her mother said: "Give thanks to the lady". I had the pleasure of attending one of his lectures a few years ago and started practicing immediately. I knew I would succeed. I just listened to what they said, and even stopped arguing with the doctors. Haha ... could not believe it! So I can install it there and leave it ready!". And noticed my judgements were my projections. I hope to meet you in person someday! Thank you, thank you, and thank you. I’m your follower as always and I am more than convinced that this technique works miracles. All of the medical doctors and experts that I came to visit, not just in Croatia, but elsewhere as well, confirmed it. That's how I found Dr Len. Thank you. Dr Hew Len went and prayed at the intersection, cleaned and made amends. Trust me, nobody had any idea how that was possible in my condition, but the results were there. While performing a Caesarean section doctors came into a surprise: my ovaries and my uterus were completely atrophied, 'dead' as they said afterwards. I spent a lifetime trying to understand how to do it. This response is completely out of character. I do not need more words. Hello ... A few days ago I wrote to ask for help and I am truly grateful for everything you have sent me. l love you, thank you. I went downstairs running to wait for him, he was getting off the tramway and very surprised told me: "What are you doing here?" Also accepting my parents the way they are. I cannot even remember how many miracles this technique has brought to me as well as people, animals, things and etc. Long-story-short… I am now almost 50 pounds lighter, without dieting or suffering. We decided that we would begin to move some things in the car anyways to move forward. There are many other similar stories of Ho oponopono miracles which I will post on this site. Love. Sessions. Suddenly, they got off the train. God and life keep surprising me every time and all the miracles I'm experiencing as well. Ho'oponopono is Wonderful!! and her help was amazing and all the friends who could come and help too. Today it is officially confirmed! Later on, at home; I realized I had to go to the supermarket to buy some food. ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Yet, I ask myself “Why do I want to remember the miracles?” when in fact what I want to do is erase the memories. The Peace of I! This Ho'oponopono-process is said to involves 12 or 14 steps (depending on how you count the steps). I’m only sharing my story to all of you with the hope that you will also let go and allow God to show you the way. She updated the traditional Ho'oponopono to today's times and realities and made it available to all interested around the world. When the miracle happens. I want to share my joy, miracles do not stop from the moment of founding Ho'oponopono. l have a whole new fresh medical history. Two weeks later, l found Ho'oponopono. One night, after hearing a talk of yours and Dr. Len, where he said that everything on this earth has its own energy and life, even a chair, and we can talk, as he spoke to his shoes; I happened to talk to the street outside my house. The time arrived to break the record and despite smaller difficulties, everything worked out as it had been planned. I usually go to work on foot. I just kept repeating “I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you”. I didn’t decide to BE happy as I always do. Where I now live there are more cats that live among cars and trees; a friend of mine says that God sent them to me to help me with the cleaning. Well, I went to a lot of judgements, then about that driver, her intelligence, etc… then I caught myself making these judgements, and I laughed. Aloha! The partners response was the miracle. l felt awful, l thought l would really looked guilty, my hands and my voice were shaking. Well, at least in my house! THANKYOU! I was talking to my inner child and taking some of the phrases; obviously before that I had thanked the train for allowing me to take it. I am so so so grateful for this, with all my heart thank you. I was impressed, I wasn't angry at all, but sad. I mainly listened to Mabel and anything I could find from Dr. Hew Len. On top of that, a friend gave us some business equipment at a hugely discounted price. Hahahaha… for me it was the UNIVERSE TAKING CARE OF ME!! One night she dreamed our mother telling her: “Look for Myra!” In the morning, she told herself: “This is just a dream” and she didn’t pay so much attention to it, but 3 days later the dream kept repeating and again she was asked to look for me, so she replied: “I don’t know where I could find her”. I’m going to turn 50 next January, 15th so my kids and my husband decided to organize a party. I told you about the problem I was experiencing with Mary, the woman who helps at my daughter’s house, I had it for 7 months, and "prayed" day and night since I knew the Ho'oponopno about 45 days ago. I have never felt this way in all these 20 months. The Ho'oponopono process is a petition to the Divine to remove toxic energies and fill the space after them with itself, i.e. Then I started with my rosary, Grazie, Grazie, Grazie, Ti amo, Ti amo, Ti amo… Meanwhile the 3 or 4 years old little boy kept looking at me with wide open eyes. This will help you with your mission to make Ho'oponopono renowned worldwide. Morrnah taught the Self I-Dentity Ho'oponopono course throughout the 1980's and into the early 1990's before eventually handing off the torch to Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, who began conducting Ho'oponopono courses in 1982. That night, my bones were hurting. Once I heard: “Write a blog.” “Blog? All the people were surprised to see how things got resolved. Thank you! I felt my life was great, with joy and I didn’t have any problems. I remember many moments during this first week, the feeling I really don’t know how to describe: love, peace, happiness, security.I felt this all at the same time. I said "I know your mission is to communicate from one place to another, people, things, cars, etc., but please… could you help with clutter, noise and pollution? This is something very strange and magical at the same time, isn't it? There was no stopping me. Thank you, Thank you, and Thank you. But I decided to clean and to change my attitude. Yesterday during the night I started to feel a terrible discomfort in my left eye. read about a miracle that took place in Hawaii in the 1980’s using an ancient Hawaiian problem-solving technique called Ho’oponopono! All my relationships have improved. Now we are with the Doctor, and after starting the biopsy, the shadow disappeared, a third ultrasound was done and no shadow reappeared, they were only memories. I can only say that it’s a miracle. In three hours, the unbelievable happened! And 8.00 am instead of 12.00 pm.... no way! and put the Flor-de-lis on the situation, let go and surrendered, and I said "thank you" a thousand times, lol! and telephone cables and I wanted to avoid an accident or breakdown of services, you know. Although it may sound a bit crazy, in that instant I felt like a better person, and I didn’t have to force myself but I felt genuine. testimonial and/or comment on how she has touched your life? I began to talk to my body, and to love the nutrition my body was asking for. There was another person. Hi Forum At first things got worse, but I understood the memories replaying were coming to my … I love you. I felt my life would collapse, but I just kept repeating "thank you, thank you" constantly. He mentioned that he was driving like a mad man this morning, almost in everyone's tail, moving from one lane to another. Then to top it off his alcoholic mother who is severely affected by her drinking at this stage in her life, blows me out of the water by all of a sudden calling my daughter up and telling the complete truth about what she has done in the past to cause and contribute to her sons problems. Sometimes they are in the form of answered prayers or are seen as the actions of guardian angels.. Love. I want to tell you a story of many that I have. The intriguing message of love and forgiveness using ho'oponopono below was spread widely over the Internet a while back. Mabel, everything is so easy with a simple "thank you", I love you very much. Thank you, thank you. I love you, Ho’oponopono. !I want to thank all of you; because it’s no coincidence I have experienced this being in this space. I assure you a miracle happened. Book translator about Ho’oponopono: Dewdrops of Wisdonm, by Morrnah Simeona; Seasons of the Mind, by Morrnah Simeona, Blue Ice series by Kamaile Rafaelovich and Ihaleakala Hew Len, Morrnah in the Mainland, by Constance Webber. It’s definitely the most famous story about Ho’oponopono, and it’s a pretty amazing, miraculous, and inspiring story … l am sending you love, from a small country, telling you THANK YOU! Before the workshop I could have sworn that if I lost the man of my life, I would die. That's why Ho'oponopono came into my life, looking for a healing method for this mental illness. He cured an entire ward of criminally mentally ill patients using the simple ancient … Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian practice still in use today and is well-known for the miracle it does in clearing negativity from one’s mind and thought. Grazie, Grazie, Grazie. However, I wasn't able to sleep and I kept repeating "light switch" all night long instead -which is normal to me , what it´s not usual is to have a sleepless night- , snoozing a couple of minutes between short dreams reliving memories of the past . She woke up telling herself: “I don’t know where I could call her” and she put her dream into a bag full of holes… But 3 days later the dream kept repeating so now my mother more serious than usual told her: “What’s wrong with you? I love listening to her CDs. Thanks, thanks, thanks." I was stunned, because we didn’t speak each other at all. l was very careful not to make mistakes, like talking about the illness. I said "thank you, I love you" to the place where the tragedy happened and I moved to a house... after a few days I noticed that the tips of the bars had the Flor de Lis carved, and I realized that everything happens because of our Creator's Will and He sends signals. New stories and new processes that outline the fourth stage of awakening of ho'oponopono. I've had chronic inflammation of the ovaries since my twenties, as well as cysts in my left ovary. I was talking to the truck, I was driving, using my defensive driving skills, and talking to my Unhipili, felt a sort of drop in my belly. Come join Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Mary on September 6th at 10am PST/1pm EST as we discuss the Healing Power of Ho’oponopono and how you can receive Healing, Miracles and Radical Change. “¿¿¿Do you have something to say?? I decided to give Divinity my 10 - years relationship. She has a new man and their whole focus has changed for the better. When she arrived at the Company a client paid in cash for a product, which cost covered the amount she had been ordered to pay, and then some. I didn’t work with my inner child and also, I used to practice Reiki. I just do my part so that our son can see again. I had been practicing and studying metaphysics since I was 18 when I met Ho'oponopono at the end of 2012, I felt that this was what I had always been looking for. WELL SHE TOOK ME HOME – she was my neighbor.. On January 30 we moved from Paraguay to Puerto Iguazu (Argentina).

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