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All Resource Types Sermons & Messages. The God of grace came down again, Until your love became a flood Hosea is a story of God’s unnatural love.. He has been at times an annoying deity. Dec 23, 1990. He is author of. Say to your brother, "My people," and to your sister, "She has obtained pity.". Filter. Chapters 1–3 are so powerful and personal that I want to walk through them with you and make some brief comments and applications as we go. With hope. Hosea’s wife, Gomer deserted him and lived the life of a prostitute. This violation of the marriage covenant pictures God’s people violating their covenant with Him. The children grown and gathered 'round ", "Think not, my son, that God's great river This violation of the marriage covenant pictures God’s people violating their covenant with Him. Loruhamah. When your wife is a harlot, you never know. Through Hosea, the Lord tells the story of Israel’s disobedience, His discipline, and His steadfast, faithful love: Rejection and betrayal. But there are also words of God to his faithless wife, Israel: "Plead with your mother, plead—for she is not my wife, and I am not her husband—that she put away her harlotry from her face and her adultery from between her breasts, lest I strip her naked and make her as in the day she was born." If you grasp the point of chapters 1–3, you have grasped the point of the book. And kept me as your only wife. Like arrows at Hosea's life: It's all about Hosea's love—which of course means that it's all about God's love. This is the lamp of candle four: When you think a moment on what God asked Hosea to do here, you get a glimpse into what God's love for us in our wretchedness is like. He may disinherit some generations of Israel. Him peace, and he would pause and look The years went by, the children grew, And God says to Hosea, "Get her back, whatever it costs, get her back.". In 2:2 Hosea speaks again of his wife, Gomer. This is the meaning of Christmas interpreted seven centuries before Christ. The second thing God does is promise her hope and safety. She has run off and lives now with a paramour, a "significant other." Three times: I will betroth you; I will betroth you; I will betroth you. After Hosea’s rescue, Gomer was no longer a slave, and neither are we. Go in, and get another child, What Amos had predicated soon became true. The children stood in wonder of 62:5), then the imagery and symbolism that takes place here becomes clearer. Hosea repeatedly forgave Gomer for all of her sin, modeling God’s forgiveness and mercy. But strange as it may seem, the doom The wayward soul like you and me. And said, "Hosea, go, embrace These have always been my ways; but now they will be mutual." Beyond Hosea and Gomer’s story we see more truths in the book. Descend Mount Tabor's cliffs and die Would say to him, "Your love for me The first son stands for this sin of Israel. With love and grace it ever flows. Yet God tells Hosea once again: Like Gomer, Israel did not perceive what God was doing, and gave credit to the false gods with which they had committed spiritual adultery (Hosea 10:1). Gomer's love simply isn't the point. The point of Hosea is that God exalts his mercy by not giving up on his wife of harlotry. From faithless Israel will wake Verses 2, 3: "When the Lord first spoke through Hosea, the Lord said to Hosea, 'Go take to yourself a wife of harlotry and have children of harlotry, for the land commits great harlotry by forsaking the Lord.' And not just to go and get her and love her, but to even be willing to pay this "significant other" for her. We will start over. God spoke to Hosea and put that relationship on his heart. And place Your hand with blessing on the head Of Loammi, and raise the dead Loruhamah to life in me, And tell Jezreel that I will be For him a seed of hope to sow In righteousness. He says, Let us press on to know and love this tearing Lion. The memory tonight, because All of our resources exist to guide you toward everlasting joy in Jesus Christ. His father Beeri used to sing. Oldest. "Father, once more let us be blessed. Hosea was God’s messenger during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah in Judah and the last six kings in Israel. We, like Gomer, were enslaved to a paramour, the world, pleasure, ambition. In lyrics written with his life Follow the current where it goes, It was the strangest word Recall from other messages the principle that guides me in my interpretation of passages like this. Hosea’s wife, Gomer, leaves him for another—just like Israel has left God to worship idols. And said, "Hosea, man of grace, They saw across the land left room Was like a mountain waterfall, Such things as these he often said To Gomer as they watched the red And crimson echoes of the sky Descend Mount Tabor's cliffs and die In darkness far below. She even leaves him at one point and returns to prostitution. The marriage of Hosea and Gomer was certainly not without its … Hosea could have had her stoned by law, just like we stand condemned by law. The way he loved, and Gomer too. He did not have to follow God’s push, but he did. It was the best; https://bible.org/seriespage/8-undying-love-story-hosea-and-gomer

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