dr jekyll and mr hyde quizlet

Ch. He runs into his laboratory, but it takes a double dose to restore himself to the appearance and personality of Dr. Jekyll. It links Jekyll to Hyde - if police found it, he'd be in trouble. How does Jekyll justify continuing to become Mr. Hyde? His evilness hasn't been exercised much. What is Lanyon's decision? Dr Lanyon and Mr Poole. Ch. At friendly meetings, and when the wine was to his taste, something eminently human beaconed from his eye; something indeed which … 6: What change does Mr. Utterson notice in Dr. Jekyll after Mr. Hyde's disappearance? Ch. Hyde has no family and has never been photographed, is rarely seen. Lanyon rejects Jekyll's experiments. Ch. Why does Utterson want to see Hyde's face? Both talk about the disappearance of Dr. Jekyll. Lanyon's letter is not to be opened until after "the death or disappearance of Dr. Henry Jekyll"; Jekyll's will also mentioned the possibility of his own "disappearance", that if he did disappear for too long or died, his belongings and fortune would be inherited by Edward Hyde. The author's use of vivid description creates both tone and mood to make the text seem more realistic or to immerse readers into the fictional world. "He had his death warrant written legibly upon his face. 1: Why do you suppose Mr. Utterson is concerned about the fact that Mr. Hyde has a key to the residence? 10: How does Dr. Jekyll justify Mr. Hyde's brutal attack on Danvers Carew? 3: Compare and contrast the physical appearances of Jekyll and Hyde. Mr. Utterson is a London lawyer who is a friend of Dr. Jekyll. Ch. "There was no man from whom he kept fewer secrets than Mr Guest; and he was not always sure that he kept as many as he meant...The clerk, besides, was a an of counsel.". Ch. A healthy middle-age man. 5: State two reasons Utterson is suspicious about the letter's origin. "I incline to Cain's heresy" - original sin. 1: Define "Juggernaut." At the right time. Dr. Jekyll locked the door to keep Hyde in. Ch. A rich, aristocratic, nice old man, member of Parliament, an aged, beautiful gentleman with white hair. Ch. Mr. Utterson introduces himself as a friend of Dr. Jekyll ’s but Mr. Hyde tells him that Dr. Jekyll is not inside. Utterson is concerned because Jekyll has written a will that leaves all his money to his new partner Mr. Hyde. It's in Hyde's handwriting. He doesn't have any more of the drug, so he is stuck as Hyde. They think someone killed Jekyll and took his place. He has a key to the lab, he never dines in the house, and the servants are required to obey him. He wasn't able to remain as Jekyll without immediate administration of the drug, and if he fell asleep he would immediately turn back into Hyde, so he confined himself in the lab. 1: What is unusual in Mr. Enfield's description of Mr. Hyde? Jekyll finds this dark side a burden and undertakes experiments intended to separate his good and evil selves from one another. As for the moral turpitude that man unveiled to me, even with tears of pentence, I cannot, even in memory, dwell on it without a start of horror"? Hyde writes, in Jekyll's handwriting, "blasphemies" in Jekyll's books, burns his letters and destroys the portrait of his father. What finally dooms Dr. Jekyll to either living out his life as Me. Our quiz/worksheet combo has been designed to test your knowledge of the events and characters from chapter 6 of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson. What does Lanyon decide? Chapter 9. A summary of Part X (Section5) in Robert Louis Stevenson's Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. It's just pent up evil. He began to turn into Hyde unwillingly and unconsciously. Ch. Find a summary of this and each chapter of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde! Jekyll gave up his regular practice to experiment with non-traditional medicine. The inspector is going to set up a stakeout at the bank. They went from "undignified" to "monstrous" as Jekyll describes it. Ch. Battle of good vs. evil. He began turning into Hyde without taking the drug. He knows something about the owner and the house but he can't talk about it, probably because of lawyer-client confidentiality. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: Chapter 8 Summary & Analysis Next. 10: At this point, why is it not possible for Dr. Jekyll to prevent the re-emergence of Mr. Hyde? He is smaller and younger - The evil in his heart is reflected physically. They're too big. 9: What is strange about the man who comes to pick up the drawer? 1: Why do Enfield and the doctor attending the child decide to extract a punishment from Mr. Hyde, even though the child is not seriously injured? They're old friends and Lanyon is happy to see Mr. Utterson. Like Mr. Hyde, he had an evil, disturbing aura and his clothes were comically huge on him, even though they were fancy and tailored. Oh no! His family could not be traced; he had never been photographed; those few who had seen him differed widely in their descriptions. Hamlet King Lear Othello The Handmaid's Tale The Picture … Chapter Summary for Robert Louis Stevenson's Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde… He's hooked. It became harder to get rid of Hyde to bring back Jekyll - the opposite of how it had been in the beginning. He justified himself by turning back into Jekyll and hurrying to undo the Hyde's evils if at all possible. 10: Since the drug changes Jekyll's personality, why is he not changed into a completely good man instead of an evil one? The handwriting of Hyde's letter seemed familiar; it was almost identical to Jekyll's handwriting, just sloped differently, implying Jekyll may have forged the letter for Hyde. He gets worse and his actions become increasingly evil. 4: Why do the police think the murderer is Mr. Hyde? 2: Define "apropos." Jekyll calls Lanyon hide-bound because he is narrow-minded and judgmental of the ethics of Jekyll's experiments. How does Mr. Hyde trap Dr. Jekyll in his laboratory? 4: How was Hyde's run-in with Carews similar to, but different from, the run-in with the girl in chapter one? (4). The maid described him as "an aged and beautiful gentleman with white hair...the moon shone on his face as he spoke...it seemed to breathe such an innocent and old-world kindness of disposition.". It's gotten personal. What is a "hide-bound pedant"? He runs out of the salt that was the main ingredient in the drug. Have you ever read a piece of literature and imagined music and colors to correspond with the scenes? Brutal, bones shatter. This lesson is designed to help you do the following: Ch. How does the letter ease Mr. Utterson's fears that Hyde will not blackmail Jekyll into helping him escape? He will research Hyde's past and find dirt on him to blackmail him and get him to stop blackmailing Dr. Jekyll. "The street shone out in contrast to its dingy neighborhood. "The moment I choose, I can be rid of Mr. Why do Enfield and the doctor attending the child decide to extract a punishment from Mr. Hyde even thought the child is not seriously injured? After the pain ended, he felt lighter, freer, younger and he "knew himself to be more wicked" than ever before. The moodof a work is its general atmosphere. 10 is in Dr Jekyll's POV. In what way might this allusion relate to the story line? Where does the impostor send Poole? Why does Jekyll think Hyde is so much younger and shorter than Jekyll? How is Hyde's assault on Carew described? Jekyll wrote a note to Utterson that was found in the cabinet, and it was dated that morning, but Hyde had been in the cabinet for a week. How does Jekyll explain his seclusion to Mr. Utterson? SURVEY . How did the pleasures Dr. Jekyll sought in the disguise of Mr. Hyde change over time? 10: Interpret: "First, because I have been made to learn that the doom and burthen (burden) of our life is bound forever on man's shoulders, and when the attempt is made to cast it off, it but returns upon us with more unfamiliar and awful pressure.". He sends him all over town to different apothecaries and chemists for a pure sample of a certain drug. Why do you suppose Utterson goes to so much trouble to investigate Hyde? Jekyll hands over the letter to make Utterson believe Hyde is gone. Mr. Hyde asks Dr. Lanyon if he wants to see what the big deal is about, what the mysterious powders and such were for, why all the secrecy, etc. What topic does he refuse to discuss with Utterson? He unlocked the mysterious door, then he came back with 10 pounds in gold and a cheque for 90 pounds. He thinks he's deformed but can't describe why. Ch. 6: How might the murder of Carew be more easily understood in light of the information the police gather? 10: How does Mr. Hyde trap Jekyll in his laboratory? Ch. The strange clause about everything of Jekyll's going to Edward Hyde if Jekyll died or "disappeared or was unexplainably absent for a period exceeding 3 calendar months" offended him as a lawyer and because it was unconventional and unclear, "A hearty, healthy, dapper, red-faced gentleman, with a shock of prematurely white hair, and a boisterous and decided manner". It looks like your browser needs an update. What is Lanyon's relationship with Jekyll? How is Hyde behaving in the doctor's laboratory? Ch. 9: Since Dr. Lanyon narrated this chapter, who do you think will narrate the last chapter? Ch. Both rich, have nice paintings, aristocratic. What other two documents were discovered on Jekyll's desk besides the will? 8: Why do they surmise that Jekyll could not have left by the back door? What does his name suggest? 10: In what way did Dr. Jekyll begin to lose control? Ch. A summary of Part X (Section4) in Robert Louis Stevenson's Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Ch. What may we conclude from what they find in this instance? Poole once caught sight of the impostor scampering back into the cabinet - clearly, it's not Jekyll in there. He had a history of criminal history and brutality - had a violent past. Since the drug changes his personality, why is why is he not changed into a completely good man instead of an evil one? Ch. Why are Poole and the other servants frightened? What does he learn of Lanyon's relationship with Jekyll? Dr. Lanyon decides that he's gone to too much trouble to not find out. Search all of SparkNotes Search. You might think … Henry Jekyll dies when the last bit of the drug wears off, half an hour after writing his will and the packet to Utterson, and he is lost to Mr. Hyde. Ch. 1. 9: Why does Dr. Lanyon say, "...I shall die incredulous. Mark of Cain- Hyde feels evil. Why do you suppose Hyde attacks him? Even though Utterson continues to try to visit Jekyll, he is always turned away, Utterson doesn't actually desire the company of Dr. Jekyll. They wanted to kill him, but they couldn't so they did the next best thing. The drug stopped working for him in single portions, so he had to double the amount. Ch. Window. Ch. The cheque was signed by a prominent figure of society (not Hyde), and Enfield thought that it was a fake. 7: Find an example of foreshadowing in the chapter. 4: Who is Sir Danvers Carew, and how is he described? It's a part of him, and he accepts his evil. He was in intense pain and his "spirit was horrified". Start studying The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. 6: How has Dr. Lanyon changed? Mr. Hyde is afraid for a moment but answers to the name. What does Utterson believe about Mr. Hyde in regards to Dr. Jekyll? They used to be good friends but they have hardly spoken in ten years because "Jekyll began to go wrong, wrong in mind. A book recording his experiments with a series of dates on when he's taken the drug, white salt, and red liquor. The key is rusted and dusty from not being used in a long time, and the doorknob is rusted and cracked so that it couldn't be used. How has Dr. Lanyon changed? Upper class man, a client of Utterson, and well-loved by many people. 8: Why are Poole and the other servants frightened? Ch. 10: Which kind of narrative is used in this novel? He believes the impostor is Hyde. ", "Such unscientific balderdash would have estranged Damon and Pythias.". Story of the Door M R. UTTERSON, THE LAWYER, was a man of a rugged countenance, that was never lighted by a smile; cold, scanty and embarrassed in discourse; backward in sentiment; lean, long, dusty, dreary, and yet somehow lovable. What is the punishment? He promises to help hide Hyde and make sure he gets the will in case something happens to Jekyll. The back entrance to Dr. Jekyll's laboratory. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. He believes his evil side (Hyde) is not as prominent as his good side (Jekyll), so his good side is older and taller and stronger. The door is locked and the key is broken. If you try to ignore your responsibility of an action, the consequences come twice as hard. 2: Why do you suppose Utterson has a dream about Hyde? The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is a Gothic novella by Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson, first published in 1886.The work is also known as The Strange Case of Jekyll Hyde, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, or simply Jekyll and Hyde. What choice does Mr. Hyde offer Dr. Lanyon? What does Utterson mean by "your tale has gone home"? Who did Jekyll receive a letter from, and why does he give it to Mr. Utterson? 6: What does the letter from Lanyon have in common with Dr. Jekyll's will? Ch. Ch. 2: What does the lawyer think that Mr. Hyde knows about Dr. Jekyll? To be able to recognize him in the future. When he did bad deeds, he felt guilty, and he realized he was leading a double life. 1: Find an example of a simile in the description of a London neighborhood. How does Dr. Jekyll behave at the time of Hyde… What evidence is there that Mr. Hyde's rooms are furnished by Dr. Jekyll? Utterson is the beneficiary, not Hyde anymore. How does Poole convince Utterson that they must break into Jekyll's cabinet? Ch. Ch. His seemed terrified of his coming death, which he believes to be within a few weeks. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. He refuses to talk about Dr. Jekyll. Why does Enfield call the building with the door the Black Mail House? 10: How did the pleasures Dr. Jekyll sought in the disguise of Mr. Hyde change over time? Poole had no knowledge of a letter arriving by messenger (like Jekyll had claimed), only through the mail. The shop fronts (which "stood along that thoroughfare with an air of invitation, like rows of smiling saleswomen") contrast with ______. 8: Describe the other two documents discovered on Jekyll's desk. He learns that Dr. Lanyon and Jekyll have had a falling out (over science but he doesn't know that). He's worried about his friend -knows instinctively Hyde is evil, --He compares him to Satan at first meeting. The rosy man had grow pale; his flesh had fallen away; he was visibly balder and older." 10: How does Dr. Jekyll feel after drinking the potion for the first time? The way Mr. Hyde trampled the young girl was like a Juggernaut. Jekyll gives it to Utterson because he trusts Utterson, and he is unsure whether he should give it to the police. Ch. 2: Briefly describe Dr. Lanyon. seeing an old, neglected door when he and Mr. Utterson were out walking. -Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde are the main image of duality and this is particularly explored in chapter 10 -specific images are used to convey duality, such as the difference between the front and back of Dr Jekyll's house, the contrasting interior and exterior of Mr Hyde's lodgings and the differences between the two men's hands A handwriting expert and Mr. Utterson's trusted clerk. What are they? How did that lead him to practice "a profound duplicity"? Toneis sort of like the theme of the text. 7: Why do you suppose Dr. Jekyll's smile changes to "an expression of such abject terror and despair, as froze the very blood of the two gentlemen below"? Is it in a major key or a minor key? Ch. He makes it clear he's brought suffering and pain onto himself. Hyde has a key and servants have orders to obey him. 2: Why does Mr. Utterson want to see Mr. Hyde's face? Hyde is controlling Jekyll through blackmail, and he had forced Jekyll to change his will. Start studying Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde Chapter 8. Perfect prep for Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde quizzes and tests you might have in school. Ch. It is from Hyde. Why is Dr. Jekyll's will Utterson's eyesore? 6: Why does Utterson not desire the company of Dr. Jekyll? They threatened to make a huge scandal out of the whole thing and ruin him, unless he payed the price of 100 pounds. Utterson still believes Hyde killed Jekyll, but he is confused for several reasons. 5: When Jekyll tells Utterson that Hyde will never be seen again, do you think he means it? 4: Why are Mr. Hyde's movements difficult to trace? What happens when Hyde drinks the solution? Any time that Jekyll feels any sort of pleasure or happiness, he turns into Hyde. Ch. Ch. He thinks Dr. Jekyll is being blackmailed because he was wild when he was young. If this topic has sparked your interest and you'd like to learn more, take a look at our lesson called Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde Chapter 3 Summary. Utterson was not a very good friend because he didn't try to stop his friends from making bad decisions. Ch. Dr. Jekyll rapidly gets sicker and sicker, and Mr. Hyde grows more powerful and more insistent. Ch. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Utterson has heard bad things of Hyde and disliked him at first sight. What topic does he refuse to discuss with Lanyon? 2: Consider Hyde's actions, the effect his appearance has on how people view him, and the effect he has on Enfield and the doctor (they feel like murdering him). Ch. Why is Utterson suspicious about the origin of the letter? Ch. SURVEY . They were best friends that were willing to die for each other from Greek mythology. Treat Hyde right and justly, help him legally when Jekyll dies. How does Jekyll justify Mr. Hyde's brutal attack on Danvers Carew? 9: What favor does Dr. Jekyll request from Dr. Lanyon? We shall never see more of Mr. Hyde," says Enfield. The letter ensures that Hyde will never bother Jekyll again and that he already has a means of escape. Ch. 7: What is Dr. Jekyll's mood when Utterson and Enfield talk to him through the window? Why do you think Mr. Hyde gives Mr. Utterson his address? His evil side is the polar opposite of his good side in every way. 10: What finally dooms Dr. Jekyll to either living out his life as Mr. Hyde or committing suicide? They've never interacted socially. Why? 3: What does Mr. Utterson promise Dr. Jekyll? He believes that Hyde must have blackmailed the man who signed the cheque in order to get the money. Represents purity, goodness. Ch. Why is this document referred to as "the lawyer's eyesore"? He came to find out about Hyde. Utterson took Lanyon's warning about Jekyll to heart, and even Poole says Jekyll is in a bad state. Why doesn't Jekyll feel the same way (at first)? Wall. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is a about the complexities of science and the duplicity of human nature. What is the punishment? Jekyll is old and Hyde is young; Jekyll is good and Hyde is evil; Jekyll is tall and Hyde is short. 4: How does Mr. Utterson learn of Danvers Carew's death? Consider a piece of music. Evil is evil's own company - it brings it out in others. He concealed his pleasures, so that he was always proper and reserved in public. However, it was genuine. He thought that since Hyde had now been satisfied, to Jekyll's horror, Hyde would be gone for good. Use … 2: Since Hyde's presence arouses evil thoughts and feelings in others, what is the author saying about evil and human beings? What two things surprise Mr. Utterson about the will found on Jekyll's desk? answer choices . What is Utterson's plan to stop Hyde? Hyde or committing suicide? Ch. Hyde writes blasphemies in Jekyll's notebook and Bible, and destroys his father's portrait. Tags: Question 6 . 1: What does Mr. Utterson mean when he says "your tale has gone home"? 1. Name is very secretive, Ch. 1981 Movie This movie has a lot to brag about: it won an award for … 4: The maid looks out at a clear night and a full moon; the scene makes her feel at peace and in a romantic mood. Ch. How did she know him? BLes Mundo - Lea las últimas noticias internacionales y sobre América Latina, opinión, tecnología, ciencia, salud y cultura.

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