brain drain paragraph

It can happen willingly or unwillingly of an individual. This long essay about Brain Drain is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. Brain drain is the process of the emigration of highly skilled and knowledgeable individuals from a certain country. The paragraph is... My dear students, how are you doing with your studies? Sometimes the term is wrongly used for the migration of all the educated persons. Do you need other paragraphs, search for. Here brain means brainy people.This brain drain is a serious threat to the development and advancement of third world countries. The disadvantage is seen as an economic cost as a part of the training and the education cost which is sponsored by the government is also taken away with their emigration. To write an essay on brain drain means to touch upon the most disturbing problems of the science development in the modern research centers. The problem of brain drain warrants a careful and strategic plan to rebalance the scale and help improve the existing educational and vocational infrastructure of the country. That is why people suffer from insecurity and feel unwilling to live in the country. Technology kills communication essay. brain drain paragraph with bangla meaning, A Street Accident Paragraph For All class student, Cheap Car Insurance Is Easy To Get Online, Online Master Degree – Continue Your Education, Learning Miracles – Learning At The Speed Of Thought. Brain drain is a global phenomenon affecting the developing nations. 3) ‘Brain Drain’ is the negative term, while the positive effect is the ‘Brain Gain’. The alienation leads partly to the visible brain drain that in migration and invisible brain drain means loss of morale and creativity among those who still stay in India. Short Paragraph on 'Brain Drain' (100 Words) 'Brain Drain' is the migration of talented persons like doctors, engineers, lawyers, teachers and technicians from their home country to a foreign country for higher remuneration and better working conditions. In their native country these promising people get scanty amount of salary with which they can not support their family. It is primarily defined as the migration and taking off of individuals from their homeland to other countries. Brain drain is a tendency among the educated people to leave the country and go abroad for better opportunities. I'll soon write another paragraph about etiquette and manners for class 8 or JSC level students. News paper ads, jobs, CV, Study visa, News, Admissions, courses, Scholarships, careers, notes, results, date sheets, Pakistani colleges. Here I have shared some paragraphs on. Brain Drain may occur in different ways. Moreover they have little opportunity to dedicate themselves in research of their own field. So practice more and more what you learn. This can take place because of several factors. We will lag behind to progress. Above all, people should have a patriotic feeling and will to serve the country. Paragraph Brain conclusion essay drain. We term it as a drain of the brains because, it is believed that, with the going out of these best brains we, as a country are at a loss as. The Governments of these countries are not being able to ensure opportunities for their life and career. Therefore they have to live their own land for their betterment. Brain drain is a constant source of concern in most countries that rank lower in the development index, and countries suffering from political or religious instability. Brain drain essay quotes funny. There are a lot of reasons of the talented people's leaving the country. Furthermore, such individuals possess the advantage of higher training at home. Essay on Brain Drain: The concept of Brain Drain is a matter of gradual concern for any nation. Developed by Abdul Ahwal. One reason for Brain Drain could be turmoil within a nation. 97 % (52) Brain drain essay in ielts; Ford resurrecting an iconic company case study answers. Brain drain refers to the emigration (out-migration) of knowledgeable, well-educated, and skilled professionals from their home country to another country. 2) Brain Drain has many positive and negative effects on the economy of the country. When we say brain drain in Pakistan, this is relevant to the number of individuals who are constantly migrating from Pakistan to other parts of the world. Your introduction should have 3 main sentences > Paraphrased question; Opinion/view (if asked for) Introduce the specific topics that will be discussed in the main body paragraphs. It occurs in countries such as India where the employment opportunities are not at par with the educated youth in the nation. That is why you should practice Tag Q... BDclass © 2018-2021. ?Brain Drain refers to the emigration (out-migration) of knowledgeable, well-educated and skilled professionals from their home country to another country. So,they do not have job satisfaction.Doctors,engineers and scientists are the assets of a country.The countries where one is born spend a huge amount of public money to make him or her a doctor,engineer or scientist. Most of the educated people have a tendency to go abroad for better opportunities. Brain Drain. Thirdly, it is often seen the government of an underdeveloped and developing country doesn't support its talented persons. মেধা পাচার বলতে অনুন্নত দেশের উদ্ভাবনী ও প্রতিভাবান ব্যক্তিদের উন্নত দেশে অভিবাসনকে বুঝায়। এখানে মেধা বলতে মেধাবী মানুষ কে বুঝায় । এই মেধা পাচার তৃতীয় বিশ্বের উন্নয়ন এবং অগ্রগতির জন্য একটি গুরুতর হুমকিস্বরূপ। সাধারণত প্রতিভাধর মানুষ যে কোন অর্থে উচ্চাকাঙ্ক্ষী। তারা যেই দেশে জন্মের পর থেকে বড় হয় সেই দেশে যা প্রাপ্য তারা তা পায়না। এই সকল দেশগুলির সরকার তাদের জীবন ও পেশার সুযোগের কোন নিশ্চয়তা প্রদান করতে পারেনা। তাদের নিজ দেশে এ সকল সম্ভাবনাময় মানুষ কম পরিমাণে বেতন পায় যা দিয়ে তারা তাদের পরিবারকে ভরণপোষণ চালাতে পারে না।, অপরপক্ষে তাদের নিজস্ব ক্ষেত্রে গবেষণা করার জন্য নিজেকে উৎসর্গ করার সামান্য সুযোগ তারা পায়না । কাজেই তারা মনের মত চাকরি পায়না। চিকিৎসক, প্রকৌশলী এবং বিজ্ঞানীরা হলো দেশের সম্পদ। সেই দেশ যেখানে একজন মানুষ জন্মে তাকে একজন ডাক্তার, প্রকৌশলী বা বিজ্ঞানী বানানোর জন্য জনগণের বিপুল পরিমাণ অর্থ ব্যয় হয়। কিন্তু যখন তারা বিদেশে একটি ভাল সুযোগ পায়, তখন তাদের নিজস্ব চাহিদার কাছে দেশপ্রেমের অনুভূতি ও নৈতিকতা হার মানে । এই প্রবণতা প্রতিরোধ করা উচিত যাতে তৃতীয় বিশ্বের অনুন্নত দেশগুলো মেধাবী মানুষ শূন্য না হয়ে যায় ।, Tags brain drain paragraph brain drain paragraph for class 10 brain drain paragraph for class 11 brain drain paragraph for hsc brain drain paragraph for ssc brain drain paragraph with bangla meaning paragraph brain drain paragraph on brain drain paragraph on brain drain for class 11 paragraph on brain drain for hsc, Your email address will not be published.

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