5 percenters alphabet

Learn about the Nation of Gods and Earths' founder Clarence 13X, the Supreme Alphabet, and famous hip hop artists who are Five Percenters. [67], The men of the Five Percent Nation view themselves as Gods (both individually and collectively as the Original Man). Alphabet disclosed operating results from Google's cloud business for the first time, showing that the unit lost $5.61 billion during the full year, and … [82], Because the NGE defines itself as a way of life and not a religion,[83] the Nation generally does not observe religious holidays, including those associated with Christianity or Islam. [66] In Michigan, the Nation challenged a ban on the group's literature among prison inmates after an inmate was designated a security threat until he renounced his membership. Allah is God, God is Allah who is the son of man. /. The universe is everything-sun, moon and stars. August 20, 2019 admin Sex Leave a Comment on 5 PERCENTERS 120 LESSONS PDF. The Nation of Gods and Earths was founded by Allah the Father after he left the Nation of Islam's Temple Number Seven in Harlem, New York, the same temple where Malcolm X was a minister from 1960 to 1963. [36] Five Percenters were also required to share what they had learned with others, and thereby recruit new members. 9) I- I, ISLAM or EYE – I means one’s self whose true culture is Islam. The New York City areas of Harlem ("Mecca") and Brooklyn ("Medina") were named after notable Islamic cities by members of the organization. You will go through trials and tribulations, which is hell to only come to right and exact. now is the time to build on a strong positive nation to show and prove you be striving to be right & exact. [102][103][104][105] The popularity of these acts sparked a boom of new NGE students. After the Whites attempted to rise up against their creators, they were exiled to the caves of "West Asia" - what would later be known as Europe. Her powers you must see in order to master her equality. F – Father Allah is the father of the five percent nation also the father of . Alphabet’s total sales growth of 13 percent last year was the company’s slowest since 2009’s 8.5 percent rise. One is served justice depending on his or her ways and actions after being given the knowledge on a person, place or thing. Master is the one who has experienced a certain type of skill, but the true master of all is god Allah because he knows and understands all circumferences on earth and in the universe. 8) H- HE or HER – He or her has the power to build or destroy, depending on his or her level of awaren~s, meaning supreme intelligence. Clarence left the religion and began preaching his alternate ideas … This is Islam, and the only one that knows and understands this is god. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. 17) Q – QUEEN – Is a refined Black woman who knowledges god in order to build alongside of god. 5 PERCENTERS 120 LESSONS PDF. Wisdom is an expression of knowledge while the understanding brings about a dear picture of both through the eye of understanding. I am a white man, and also a Muslim, and Five Percenters exist for … [50] Michael M. Knight's The Five Percenters includes a photo of a gathering of Five Percenters that includes Barkim, who Knight describes as "one of the earliest white Five Percenters" and his siblings. [11][12] Between 1963–1964 Clarence 13X left the Nation of Islam, renamed himself Allah, and founded what is known as the Five-Percent Nation or Nation of Gods and Earths. [97], Five Percenter Just I C Equality Allah asserts that gender equality is an inherent aspect of ALLAH: "How can woman not be God as well as man? 3) C – SEE – Is to understand clearly through the third eye which is the mind. Gods and Earths sometimes refer to themselves as scientists, implying their search for knowledge and proof. [37], The FBI opened a file on the Five Percenters in 1965, the height of the Civil Rights and Black Power Movements in America. [28][71][72] The anthology Knowledge of Self: A Collection of Wisdom on the Science of Everything in Life by Supreme Understanding details the teachings of the Nation of Gods and Earths. The men of the Five Percent Nation view themselves as Gods (both individually and collectively as the Original Man). [They] are easily led in the wrong direction, but hard to lead into the right direction." ( I am God”, NOI, and the Five Percenters) The religious advancement of a Five Percenter is based on his/her recitation and memorization of several “lessons” written by Elijah Muhammad, as well as the Supreme Alphabet, and the Supreme Mathematics lessons written by Clarence 13X.The basic teachings of the Nation of Gods and Earths are: “That the science of … Allah proclaimed Kennedy a "righteous man" and renamed him Azreal. 6) F- FATHER – Physically to Fat-her with the divine seed of god which is the understanding (Black child). Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Allah is the one who knows and understands everything in the science of life. The mind is justice, righteous and truth. Father is when one furthers one’s education. Shares of Alphabet, up 9.5 percent this year, rose 7 percent after hours to $2,053.75. [7] Smith joined the Nation of Islam and was renamed Clarence 13X, in accordance with the NOI's customs.[8][9]. Supreme Mathematics is from The Nation of Gods & Earths which was born in the Black Power Movement and 5-Percenters, it was created by a guy named Clarence 13X, there is also The Supreme Alphabet, but I didn't get into it much. Gods and Earths converge from all over the world at Harriet Tubman Elementary School for this gathering, which includes a marketplace, performances, and speeches in the school's auditorium and a science fair in which children participate. [73][74] Wakeel Allah has written In the Name of Allah: A History of Clarence 13X and the 5 Percenters and The Naked Truth: From the Goal Mind of Abu Shahid, the Elder of the Nation of Gods and Earths. In the early 1980s, this spread was in part due to early adherents teaching when away at college or in the military and, more famously, because of the rise of hip hop music. Degree Lessons:: The Knowledge of Self For The Black Man. Father is to father (fat-her) the young with the knowledge of self which is righteousness and by teaching them the science of everything in life which is love, peace and happiness. Now is the time to build a strong positive nation which is Islam to end all negative things existing. [3][4][5][6] Upon his honorable discharge from the military in 1960,[3] Smith began visiting the Nation of Islam's (NOI) Temple No. 2. [111], Other examples of hip hop and R&B acts who are (or have been) associated with Five Percent teachings include Killah Priest, Digable Planets, J-Live, Nas, Erykah Badu, Queen Latifah, Planet Asia, and Guru. 25) Y – WHY – Is the question mostly asked by the babies and the blind, deaf and dumb. The, woman is also a cipher because cipher means C-I-Power—HER, and surely god powers her by mastering her with his mind. Equality is also the wisdom’s (Black woman’s) limitation. Truth is the light to set your mental powers free to see the Black man is indeed god. See is to see something in a clear picture through the physical eye which the mental eye detects at the same time, cause soon as you do the knowledge, your mind be drawing up an understanding so you can counteract with the wisdom to make the cipher complete. The first lesson I learned from the Five Percent was simple: Fuck white people. 6 The MINISTERS' CLASS must study and prepare themselves for Examination as soon as they are able to. Supreme Lessons of the Gods and Earths: A Guide for 5 Percenters to Follow As. Born is to be brought into existence physically and mentally. .] The advancement of a God or Earth is based on his or her memorization, recitation, comprehension, and practical application of the Supreme Mathematics and the Supreme Alphabet and also the 120 Lessons, sometimes referred to as degrees, a revised version of the Supreme Wisdom lessons of the NOI, originally written by Wallace Fard Muhammad and Elijah Muhammad. . Power the mental and physical powers of a devil is nothing in comparison to that of the original man, the devil has six ounces of grafted brain which are weak and wicked devil. Allah the Father and Shahid were nicknamed "High Scientists" due to their intense study of lessons. If the penalty is positive the justice is positive (reward). [42] In an article titled "The Five Percenters," published in The New Amsterdam News, Rustin wrote, We might all applaud the Street Academy as one of the most constructive contributions to the maintenance of stability in the Harlem Community, as well as creating an effective instrument for the rehabilitation of young men who might otherwise have no choice but the streets. "[38] The FBI file stated that the organization's name meant "The five percent of the Muslims who smoke and drink. +. The Five-Percent Nation, sometimes referred to as the Nation of Gods and Earths (NGE/NOGE) or the Five Percenters, is a cultural movement influenced by Islam founded in 1964 in the Harlem section of the borough of Manhattan, New York City, by Allah the Father, who was previously known as Clarence 13X and, before that, Clarence Edward Smith. Many MCs employ the technique and terminology of the Supreme Alphabet to create acrostics, acronyms and backronyms in their rhymes. Divine in order for you to be divine, you must destroy all negative thoughts in your brain by building on positive thoughts, and in this day and time the only way you can be divine is by building with I- Self – Lord And Master. . We teach Supreme Mathematics, Supreme Alphabets, and Lessons, over the. 21) U – YOU or UNIVERSE – When you wisdom (speak) your knowledge you bring forth understanding which is the completion of your Universe. They said they are "neither anti-white nor pro-black. Zig, Zag, Zig Is Black man, Black woman and Black child. In "Disturbance by Group Called ‘Five Percenters,’" the FBI refers to the organization as a "loosely knit group of Negro youth gangs. who ultimately descended from the Tribe of Shabazz, while the White race are evil "devils" who were created 6,000 years ago on what is today the Greek island of Patmos by a 'rogue bigheaded scientist' named Yakub (the Biblical and Qur'anic Jacob) who was of the Meccan branch of the tribe. 23) W – WISDOM – Is to speak wisely. F – Father Allah is the father of the five percent nation also the father of . Wisdom is being the Black woman who wears 3/4 clothing over her physical body to show and prove she coincides with herself being the planet which is covered 3/4 of its surface with (water). The 5% ask For What Cause? Besides their academic and social activities, the Five Percenters told me that they pursue a spiritual ideal of "helping others discover a true knowledge of themselves." 5 PERCENTERS 120 LESSONS PDF - F - Father Allah is the father of the five percent nation also the father of . "In the Name of Allah, A History of Clarence 13X and the 5 Percenters". F – Father Allah is the father of the five percent nation also the father of . [51] Knight's book also includes two photos of Allah with Gottehrer, who Allah called "Moses. God, the Black Man and the Five Percenters The Five Percent Nation believes 10 percent of the world knows the truth, and those elites opt to keep 85 percent of the world in ignorance. ", "State and federal prisons persecute Nation of Gods and Earth (Five Percenters)", "General Board Meeting of City of New York Manhattan Community Board", "ALLAH, JUSTICE & THE FIVE PERCENTERS SQUARE", "TOMORROW! The numerals are as follows:[77][78][79]. . The hip hop group 3rd Bass, whose MC's Prime Minister Pete Nice and MC Serch were white and Jewish, respectively, cited NGE lessons in the song "Triple Stage Darkness" and other songs.[106]. [64] NGE literature has been banned from penal institutions in these and other states, and inmates have been denied privileges enjoyed by those of other persuasions. There is no gender type, we all have the components that make the physical. "[32] The Black women who came into Father Allah's growing movement to study along with the males were taught they were symbolic of the planet Earth because women produce and sustain human existence as does the Earth. [21][14][22] One story states that he was disciplined by the NOI and excommunicated in 1963, but another version of events says that he left of his own free will. 5 PERCENTERS 120 LESSONS PDF. the devil off our planet. 1. Eye is the third eye which is the mind. 4. Knowledge, Wisdom and understanding. God himself is divine because he builds upon positive to keep it divine so it can’t be destroyed. I-Self-Lord-And-Master or I -Sincerely Love-Allah’s-Mathematics. I … The murder was a blow to the movement, but according to the direct orders of Allah before his death, some of his earliest disciples, a group of nine men who were called the First Nine Born carried on the teachings, and his friend Justice assumed an acting leadership role. 22) V – VICTORY – Is to show one’s culture (Islam ) by teaching one’s nation. [80] The method by which letters were associated with certain values is unknown. Allah is the Master of the known and unknown. 24) X – UNKNOWN – If one can not speak about his or her culture they are unknown to their true self. "[41] In 1967, Father Allah, with Gottehrer's assistance, opened the Urban League Street Academy, which would become known as the Allah School in Mecca. [90][91][92] According to Prince Allah Cuba, since the death of Allah the Father, some Gods have grown preoccupied with male supremacy, and this preoccupation has resulted in the minimization of all things female: from the crescent moon on the nation's flag being made smaller and eventually placed under the number seven, to the lack of parity in the God-Earth dyad. Rules are given to those who are living a righteous way of life and those rules are given by the king who is Allah god is the only ruler there is, by acknowledging his building powers and making it born to all the planets of the universe, so that they can go according to it and bear witness to who the true ruler is. . You be me, I be you and together we are one Allah. Some Five Percenters have been accused of promoting male chauvinism and misogyny. Building with the jahmega an ex con explains the 5 percenters the lgacy of i 2 1 pages fat lace supremely stupid Supreme Mathematics And Alphabet Just MeFat Lace Supremely Stupid AlphabetKilluminati 5 Percenters GedSupreme Mathematics And Alphabet Just MeEnter The Five Percent How Wu Tang Clan S Debut Al… Continue Reading The Supreme Alphabet Of Five Percent … To those in the know, Hova’s pendant, an eight-pointed nautical star with the number 7 inside, a crescent and another star close by, symbolized the Five Percenters. August 20, 2019 admin Sex Leave a Comment on 5 PERCENTERS 120 LESSONS PDF F – Father Allah is the father of the five percent nation also the father of . The main theme of the NGE doctrine spoken on hip hop records were the teachings that black people were the original or first human life to walk the planet, that the Blackman is God, the Blackwoman is Earth, and through the inner esoteric powers of the Gods and Earths, the youth can transform and possess its true potential, which aspires to overthrow the overbearing oligarchy by becoming just rulers of themselves. Rule is to rule something wisely the way the king does because he gives it to the understanding. Due to the fact that she only has 6 ounces of brain cells. Why this is a question asked to seek more knowledge to. [75], The term "Five Percenter" is taken directly from the "Five Percent" who are described in "Lost-Found Muslim Lesson No. "[68] Gods and Earths sometimes refer to themselves as scientists, implying their search for knowledge and proof. . I-Self-Lord-And-Master or I … Judge Steven Whalen found no evidence that the group advocated violence and recommended that it be recognized as a legitimate belief system. ( Log Out /  Power is the manifestation of wisdom which is , Reflecting the living light of Allah’s mathematics shined by the knowledge to bring forth the power of the understanding which light is given to those who are mentally dead, or blind, deaf and dumb to the reality of life. "[33] The NGE does not consider itself a religion; its position is that it makes no sense to be religious or to worship or deify anyone or anything outside of oneself because adherents, themselves, are the highest power in the known universe, both collectively and individually. 12) L- LOVE, HELL or RIGHT – If you love your nation, you will go through hell to make it come out right. We teach Supreme Mathematics, Supreme Alphabets, and Lessons, over the. "What I Learned from the Five Percenters", "Subject: Clarence 13X Smith (Part 1 of 3)", "God, the Black Man and the Five Percenters", "The Meaning of the 5%: A Look at the Nation Of Gods And Earths", "The Founding of the Nation Of Gods And Earths", https://www.scribd.com/doc/302750576/NGE-Supreme-Wisdom, "A National Statement by Dumar Wa'de Allah", "Welcome to the Love Allah website of the Gods and Earths! 16) P – POWER – Is the truth. Twelve Jewels. 7, where he was captivated by the speeches of El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz (Malcolm X). . [10] In 1963, Clarence 13X began teaching his NOI students that the Black man (collectively) was the "Original Man" and "God," and he "rejected" the Nation of Islam's doctrine that its light-skinned founder, Wallace Fard Muhammad, was Allah. Greatest Ent/SwaggLifeTV", "The GODS Of Hip-Hop: A Reflection on the Five Percenter Influence On Rap Music & Culture", "8 Rap Lyrics That Use Five-Percent Nation Language", "Rapping with the Gods:Hip Hop as a Force of Divinity and Continuityfrom the Continent to the Cosmos", "Busta Rhymes on 5 Percenters & Nation of Islam", "Black Sheep Facts, information, pictures | Encyclopedia.com articles about Black Sheep", "SoulBounce's Class Of 1991: Gang Starr 'Step in the Arena, "Artists influenced by the Five Percent Nation", "Ghostface Killah: 'Purified Thoughts' | Prefix", "Chatting with Raekwon the Chef about music, Islam and the Wu-Tang Clan", "Freedom or Death: DJ Layne Luv Chops It Up With Freedom Williams", "Holy Intellect – Poor Righteous Teachers : Songs, Reviews, Credits, Awards", "Large Professor: Original Recipe | Rappers Talk Hip Hop Beef & Old School Hip Hop", "The Lives of Nations for 65143353 Michael Muhammad Knight the Five Per Centers Islam Hip Hop and the Gods of New York", One On One With Tragedy Khadafi (Part 2): "Stagnation Is Death", "Phase 2, an Aerosol Art Innovator, Is Dead at 64", "Remembering Rammellzee Through Stories of Those Who Knew Him", "The Five Percenters Dominated Rap's Golden Age: Can They Return to Prominence? These particular gangs emanate from New York City Public School Number 120 which is a junior high school. The master’s culture is Islam. [93] According to the Five Percent Nation, each member constitutes a divine being in his or her own right. Master is one who possesses the knowledge of everything in life dealing with 360 degrees of his cipher. Culture is the practices and principles of a people at any given time. Self is the act of saving self from all negative things. He taught them that the astral twin of the Black man is the Sun. Unknown is to those who are blind, deaf and dumb to who they really are, which is the true and living Gods and Queens of the planet. 4) D- DIVINE or DESTROY – One must be divine, meaning pure and refined, in order to destroy all negativity. Eighty-five percent of the world's population are described as "uncivilized people; poison animal eaters; slaves from mental death and power, people who do not know the Living God or their origin in this world, and they worship that they know not what. F – Father Allah is the father of the five percent nation also the father of . He be the ones who shine the light so that he could build her so she can build to her fullest equality. In religion, in Christianity and in Islam, in all religions ... it's a perverted piece of the truth, when it doesn't hold the woman on a pedestal. 120 degrees of each, boring 360 degrees to be born to born which is saying, things are being born in the cipher. Clarence 13X invented the system after splitting with the Nation of Islam. Father is the supreme being, the original man, the one who is a winner without an opponent in everything he deals with, because god put all things here by wisdoming his power and knowledging his equality from all things he built upon. The 5% Nation Gods & Earths Supreme Alphabets 1. https://genius.com/Nation-of-gods-and-earths-supreme-alphabet-annotated The lesson groups the people of the world into three categories. But Google executives say the company is … "[15] Thus, Clarence 13X became known as Allah, Allah the Father, and Father Allah. Otherwise known as: The Blood-Suckers of the Poor." 5 Mistakes shall not exist among the Laborers of Islam at NO time. Project Webster represents a new publishing paradigm, allowing disparate content sources to be curated into cohesive, relevant, and informative books. . [23], When Allah the Father left the NOI, he was joined by Abu Shahid (formerly John 37X), who agreed with Allah's questioning of Wallace Fard Muhammad. equality is unknown to those who don’t know themselves, the 85%ers, the deaf, dumb and blind so-called Negroes that need to grow from their mental death and power, because they are unknown to themselves. [26][27][28][29][30] On October 10, 1964, this young group formed the First Nine Born of what became known as the Five-Percent Nation, or later the Nation of Gods and Earths.[31]. Allah is the all in all. . This reputation brought fans of Rakim in particular to refer to him as the God MC. (Blind, deaf and dumb). But god’s power is original, meaning the first, and possesses seven and half ounces of brain which put all things here, which is also 100%. the king is the founder of this kingdom so he must acknowledge the knowledge in his circumference so that he can enforce his laws to be recognized as being the king of his kingdom. I- I, ISLAM or EYE – I means one’s self whose true culture is Islam. After failing to reach elder adults whom he saw as already set in their ways, he found success with street youth. 18) R- RULE or RULER – To rule is the nature of the Black man, for the reason being that to rule means to be a ruler. We teach Supreme Mathematics, Supreme Alphabets, and Lessons, over the.The first lesson I learned from the Five Percent was simple: … wisdom brings about a bad culture when one’s wisdom is destroying instead of acting according to the way of life which makes the culture I-god which is Islam, the only victory known. . All other races are looked upon as mere non-god mutations of the Blackman. A queen is the female companion or counterpart to the king. "[99], In its article on Five Percenter Jay Electronica, Vice Magazine stated in regard to the Five Percent Nation: "It's a movement that's been affiliated with hip-hop from the very beginning, coining terms like 'ciphers' and 'dropping science' and influencing everyone, World's Famous Supreme Team, Big Daddy Kane, Jay-Z, Rakim, Wu-Tang Clan, Brand Nubian, Nas, Common, Poor Righteous Teachers, and AZ. Victory is something Allah will achieve when we the gods as a nation take. If the penalty is negative you get a negative justice. [2] In 1952, Smith was inducted into the United States Army where his service in the Korean War and Japan earned him honors and medals, including the Korean Service Medal with one Bronze Service Star. First of all, we are the Arm Leg Leg Arm Head (Allah). Supreme Lessons of the Gods and Earths: A Guide for 5 Percenters to Follow As. He must refine her with the knowledge of he, which is god, in order to build and born a strong foundation to carry out civilization through the queen (her).

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